Showing posts with label atlanta dumpster rentals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atlanta dumpster rentals. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

What is Daylight Saving Time?

What is Daylight Saving Time?

Daylight saving time, also known as daylight time, is the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls later each day according to the clock. The main use of daylight savings is to make better use of daylight. 

First introduced in April 1784, it was Benjamin Franklin who made the suggestion through his essay "An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light". His suggestion was largely overlooked until 1907, when it resurfaced, this time by  Englishman William Willett. His proposal was rejected by the British House of Commons, until 1916 where it was introduced to Parliament, creating what was known then as, British summertime. 

The US only starting the tradition towards the end of World War 1 in an attempt to conserve energy. The House of Representatives voted 252 to 40 to pass a law to save daylight. The first official daylight saving time took place on March 15, 1918. Michael Downing, author of "Spring Forward: The Annual Madness of Daylight Saving Time", met the new law with much resistance, a feeling he claims many others shared with him. 

Originally, clocks were sprung forward on the last Sunday in April and turned back on the last Sunday in October, but the Energy Policy Act of 2005 shifted the start of daylight saving time to the second Sunday in March and the end to the first Sunday in November. 

Speaking of Spring, don't forget the with daylight savings time comes spring cleaning! 
Call Bin There Dump That for all your spring cleaning dumpster needs! 

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Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Keeping Our Dumpsters Beautiful

"Your dumpsters are so pretty!"
"The last dumpster I got was a complete eyesore!"
"How do you keep your bins so clean?"

Our customers love our driveway protection, customer service and most definitely the double doors on our dumpsters, but more than that they LOVE the look of our bins! 

At Bin There Dump That, we take pride on our equipment. We know our customers expect a certain standard when they rent with us and we work hard to make sure every customer has the experience they expect. Below you can see pictures in our step by step process of how we keep the bins looking fresh!


Our first step is cleaning the bin. Removing stickers, and giving them a good wash!


Getting ready for a new paint job! 

Looking fresh, Bin!

Fresh stickers and you're looking good! 

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To request a quote click HERE

Saturday, 20 July 2019

10 Random Hacks for Random Life Dilemmas

So, the following information may be pretty random, but it may also be just what you need to get through your day! DID YOU KNOW...

1. The taste and smell of gum you chewed while studying will help your brain to remember the info you studied if you chew the same gum during your test!

2. Grape juice can help reduce the risk of migraines.

3. If your jewelry is turning your finger green paint the inner ring with clear fingernail polish!

4. Tired of your ice cream melting out of the bottom of your cone? Stick a marshmallow in the bottom of the cone before you scoop in the ice cream!

5. Make a drip free freezer pack but soaking a sponge, placing it in a zip lock bag and freezing it!

6. Getting rid of that annoying cereal dust at the bottom of the bag can be done by simply pouring the cereal in a strainer before pouring it into your bowl!

7. Avoid wasting a bar of soap by sticking the remaining sliver to the new bar!

8. Using a smaller plate can trick your brain into thinking you ate more than you did, resulting in less overeating!

9. Forget your phone charger on vacation? Look at the TV in your hotel room, most televisions have a USB on the back!

10. Use the clips from plastic hangers as chip clips!

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Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Workplace Distraction

Did you pay your electric bill? Did you put money on your kids lunch account? Did you turn off the hair straightener this morning? With a million things constantly running through our minds, it's easy to become distracted.

Most of our focus seems to fall on proactive things. But in some cases, it may be more beneficial to ask yourself what you should NOT be doing. As New York Times reported, a UC Irvine study found that a typical office worker gets interrupted every 11 minutes-yet it takes them an average of 25 minutes to get themselves back on their original task.  Continue reading to learn about the top 12 workplace distractions. And more importantly, how to eliminate them!

The problem: An open office works great for jobs that require a lot of communication, but not so much for a job that requires a lot of focus. In short, many different people having many different conversations. In a 2011 review from psychologist Matthew Davis found that an open office hurts creativity, attention spans and productivity. 

The fix: Headphones. Headphones not only block out background noise, they let others know that you are deep in focused work and prefer not to be bothered. You don't even have to play music. Although, studies show that music (without lyrics) helps to increase your focus and productivity. If music isn't your thing, try a white noise app. 

The problem: What a blessing. And a curse. Part of the reason we are so addicted to doing things such as checking our Facebook, Instagram and text messages is because it releases dopamine, the feel good chemical that makes us feel like we are completing tasks. The issue is that the pleasure dopamine provides is fleeting, which causes us to trigger those releases more often. We check our phones constantly, an easy way to flood our minds with dopamine. 

The fix: Turn off your notifications. You can silence all notifications from social media and text messages to help you remain focused on the task at hand. 

The problem: We all try to do it. Answer phone calls, taking notes, working on spread sheets. Maybe even ordering lunch. The thing is, our brains weren't made for multi tasking. When we attempt to multi task we distract ourselves. 
The fix: Priorities, priorities, priorities. Accept that you have to focus on one task at a time then make a list in order of importance. Quality is better than quantity. 

The problem: Pretty self explanatory. You get interrupted. By someone wanting to spread some office gossip, ask what you brought for lunch, or ask basic questions. 
The fix: Create a strong signal when they needs to be no interruptions. A sign, wear your headphones, or flags can be used as a sign to not disrupt. 

If your work space is cluttered, you already have things working against you. Your brain reacts to its surroundings. A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. 
The fix: Clean up! Minimal clutter results in minimal distraction. Take away the risk of your brain getting fixated on something other than the task at hand. 

The problem: We all get hangry. So hungry that we get a little irritable. And when it comes to performance, you'd be hard pressed to find something more impactful than nutrition. Nutrition is extremely important for focus and cognition. You may not know that brain cells require twice the energy as the rest of the cells in our body! You may be quick to make a run to the vending machine or eat a candy bar you grabbed when you stopped for gas but after that sugary crash, you'll inhibit your ability for concentration, making the problem worse. 

The fix: Avoid unhealthy fat and sugar filled snacks. Fill up with foods rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber and complex carbs to maintain your maximum focus. 

Roughly 18% of the population suffers from an anxiety disorder. Even before it becomes a full blown problem, anxiety is a factor in everyone's life. One side effect of anxiety is its effect on concentration. Moderate to severe anxiety can make concentration almost impossible. 

The fix: Naps and mediation rooms are a great option, but not realistic for many. Small table top waterfalls are a great way to relax your mind. Forming positive work relationships can also help. Make sure you exercise, get enough sleep and eat healthy foods that are beneficial to the body. 

According to a study that made headlines worldwide, humans now have shorter attention spans than a goldfish, all in thanks to our smartphone addictions. Even before we had our smartphones, concentration has always been limited. Your focus and concentration are not infinite. Think of your concentration like a fuel tank, if you fill it up in the morning and spend the better part of your day driving around aimlessly, you run out of fuel. 

The fix: Tackle your most important, highest leverage task first. Getting this out of the way creates relief and an early win for you, helping you to get through the rest of the day. 

The problem: Checking your email throughout the day may not seem harmful but it is a surefire way to torpedo your productivity. Although we have been taught that responding the emails is a way of professionalism, constantly checking and following different threads distracts us from the task in front of us. 

The fix: Designate time for email. Don't sporadically check your email throughout the day leaving yourself open for distraction. Designate a time, in the morning or evening to check and respond to all emails. Having a designated time helps focus on your other task throughout the day knowing that all emails will be responded to at a certain time everyday. 

The problem: Pretty self explanatory. When you have to many decisions to make, your brain gets tired. Just like our concentration fuel tank, the ability to make decisions can run out, too. As The New York Times Magazine described, "No matter how rational and high-minded you try to be, you can't make decision after decision without paying a biological price." The price? Irritability, inaction and lack of focus. 

The fix: Routine. Develop a routine that you can stick to. When you already know what to wear in the mornings, that's one less decision you have to make. Have your lunch ready and things you need in their place. Save some decision making for the work day ahead. 

The problem: Talking about the work we should be doing instead of doing it. 
The fix: Hold better, more productive meetings. Designate a leader. One who makes sure everyone stays on topic. Keep a strict time limit. Write everything down. 

The big problem: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and more. There are so many habit forming apps that we are all guilty of using. We have become addicted to these apps, and it effects our brains in a very similar way as opioids. 
The fix: The best way to break a habit is to take away access to it. Put blockers on certain websites and apps during work hours taking the temptation for mindless scrolling away. 

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Friday, 24 May 2019

Memorial Day

Initially observed in 1868, Memorial Day is a federal holiday remembering and honoring those who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Once known as Decoration Day, this day originally honored only those lost while fighting the Civil War. During World War 1, the United states found itself in a major conflict, evolving the holiday to commemorate American military who have lost their lives in any war. 

 Memorial Day is considered the start of the summer season. Many cities across the United States host parades in honor of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Some of the largest parades take place in Washington D.C., Chicago and New York. Many Americans also observe Memorial Day by visiting and taking flowers to cemeteries and memorials. 

However you spend your day, take a minute to think about and thank every lost loved one that passed defending our country. We THANK YOU and your families! 

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Happy Mothers Day!

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers. It was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother. Her campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday began in 1905, the year her mother passed away. She wanted to honor her mother and she believed a mother is the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world".

I want to say thank you, Mom. Thanks for making bottles and changing diapers. Thanks for kissing boo-boos and telling me bed time stories. Thanks for walks through the woods, building me a tree house and making me green eggs and ham in my Dr. Seuss phase. Thank you for keeping every handwritten, misspelled Mother's Day card I ever made you. Thank you for loving every pet worm I brought to you when I would dig in the yard. Thank you for back to school shopping and that Hilary Duff concert I just HAD to go to. Thank you for teaching me patience and acceptance. Thank you for teaching me how to be a good mother. Thank you for giving me what I needed to be a successful, happy adult. Thank you for loving me.

Anna Jarvis was correct, mothers do more for us than anyone in the world. A truly unconditional love.

This Mothers Day, make sure you tell your mom THANK YOU

Give her a call.

Write her a letter.

Look at old pictures and smile.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of you hard-working mothers out there!

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Friday, 19 April 2019

Can I place a dumpster in the street in Morrow?

Can I place a dumpster in the street in Morrow?

What is allowed?

Renting a dumpster for medium to large home clean-outs and other projects is an excellent idea. We are very flexible about where we set our dumpsters, however, we still must comply with city, county and state laws. If the driveway is large enough we can almost always place a dumpster on private driveways, and parking areas. Some cities or counties will allow dumpsters to be placed on a curb or in city streets either with or without a permit, however, there are some that do not allow dumpsters to be placed anywhere besides private property.

What is not allowed?  

The city of Morrow does not allow dumpsters to be placed on any public property. This is to keep its citizens safe. When dumpsters are placed on streets they can become a hazard by creating blind spots.  Keeping dumpsters on private property also helps to prevent unlawful dumping. Although unlawful dumping may not seem like an issue to the city it can become an issue to the person who has rented the dumpster. When there are restricted items in the dumpster the renter could be charged additional fees and may be forced to dispose of the item(s) separately.

Where can I find more information?

For more information please contact the Morrow Public Works office located at 6311 C Murphy Dr. Morrow, GA  770-968-5497.

Remember to use Bin There Dump That for all your dumpster needs.

To visit our website click HERE.
To view our dumpster sizes click HERE.
To view our restrictions and conditions click HERE.
To request a quote click HERE

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Can I place a dumpster in the street in Riverdale?

Can I place a dumpster in the street in Riverdale?

What is allowed?

Renting a dumpster for medium to large home clean-outs and other projects is an excellent idea. We are very flexible about where we set our dumpsters, however we still must comply with city, county and state laws. If the driveway is large enough we can almost always place a dumpster on private driveways, and parking areas. Some cities or counties will allow dumpsters to be placed on a curb or in city streets either with or without a permit, however, there are some that do not allow dumpsters to be placed anywhere besides private property.

What is not allowed? 

The city of Riverdale does not allow dumpsters to be placed on any public property.. This is to keep its citizens safe. When dumpsters are placed on streets they can become a hazard by creating blind spots.  Keeping dumpsters on private property also helps to prevent unlawful dumping. Although unlawful dumping may not seem like an issue to the city it can become an issue to the person who has rented the dumpster. When there are restricted items in the dumpster the renter could be charged additional fees and may be forced to dispose of the item(s) separately.

Where can I find more information?

For more information please call the Riverdale Public Works City of Riverdale
7200 Church Street Riverdale, GA 30274 at 770-909-5482.

Remember to use Bin There Dump That for all your dumpster needs.

To visit our website click HERE.
To view our dumpster sizes click HERE.
To view our restrictions and conditions click HERE.
To request a quote click HERE

Can I place a dumpster on the street in Hampton?

Can I place a dumpster on the street in Hampton?

What is allowed?

Renting a dumpster for medium to large home clean-outs and other projects is an excellent idea. We are very flexible about where we set our dumpsters, however we still must comply with city, county and state laws. If the driveway is large enough we can almost always place a dumpster on private driveways, and parking areas. Some cities or counties will allow dumpsters to be placed on a curb or in city streets either with or without a permit, however, there are some that do not allow dumpsters to be placed anywhere besides private property.

What is not allowed?  

The city of Hampton does not allow dumpsters to be placed on any public property. This is to keep its citizens safe. When dumpsters are placed on streets they can become a hazard by creating blind spots.  Keeping dumpsters on private property also helps to prevent unlawful dumping. Although unlawful dumping may not seem like an issue to the city it can become an issue to the person who has rented the dumpster. When there are restricted items in the dumpster the renter could be charged additional fees and may be forced to dispose of the item(s) separately.

Where can I find more information?

If you would like more information please call Hampton City Hall at 770-946-4306.

Remember to use Bin There Dump That for all your dumpster needs.

To visit our website click HERE.
To view our dumpster sizes click HERE.
To view our restrictions and conditions click HERE.
To request a quote click HERE

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

China bans imports, what now?


Materials such as plastics, paper, and glass are usually set aside for recycling and shipped to overseas dumping grounds. However, last year China put a ban on the import of the items intended for reuse. So as citizens continue to sort their trash, what happens to the recyclable materials?

Since China has placed the ban last year, most of the materials that would usually go to those dumping grounds have been transported to Chester City, PA, where they use a Covanta incinerator to burn the materials. This new situation presents the risk of an increase of toxic pollution. Concerns for the health of the citizens of Chester City are growing, as experts say that burning plastic will create a new fog of dioxins that will worsen what is already an alarming health situation. Nearly 4 out of 10 children in Chester have asthma. The risk for ovarian cancer in Chester is 64% higher than the rest of the state and lung cancer risks are 24% higher. 

The debris is being shipped to Chester City from as far as New York City and North Carolina. The burning of this trash releases nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, and particulate matter (tiny fragments of debris that when inhaled can cause an array of problems).

“There are higher than normal rates of heart disease, stroke, and asthma in Chester, which are all endpoints for poor air,” said Marilyn Howarth, a public health expert at the University of Pennsylvania.  She states that as it is difficult to link any single case of cancer, heart disease, or asthma directly to a source, the emissions from Covanta contain known carcinogens so they absolutely increase the risk of cancer. 

Covanta says that pollution controls, such as scrubbers in smokestacks, will prevent the toxins from being emitted. They also argue that burning the materials is a better option than simply letting in pile up in landfills.

The Environmental Protection Agency is trying to come out with solutions to the dilemma. It's proving to be difficult as our country generates more than 250 million tons of waste a year, until recently China would take about 40% of that.

Since the ban has been issued from China, they haven't accepted 2 dozen different recycling materials, such as plastic, and mixed papers-unless they meet strict rules around contamination. The imported recycling has to be clean and unmixed-a standard that is too difficult for most cities in the US. 

We can all agree that the entire recycling system in the US will need to be overhauled to avoid environmental damage. 

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Tuesday, 26 February 2019


Here's the deal!

 Send up to 5 photos of the junk around your house to Our office staff will vote on their favorite pictures and the winner will be announced on April 1st, 2019! Winner will receive 1 x 20 CY dumpster (standard restrictions and conditions apply) for up to 7 days!!


Everyone who participates in the contest will receive 5% off any 1 dumpster rental between April 1st and May 31st, 2019.

 Must be in our service area. Contest pertains only to Bin There Dump That of Atlanta. (East location not included). Please, no naughty pictures, perverts! Have questions? Email

 Coupon must be used by May 31st, 2019.

Check us out by clicking HERE.
To view our dumpsters click HERE.
To view restrictions and conditions click HERE.

Monday, 11 February 2019



Whether you are moving out of your home or completing a renovation project, having doors on your dumpster is extremely beneficial. Although some dumpster companies may offer single door bins, at Bin There Dump That all of our bins have DOUBLE doors. Double doors help with:

LARGE ITEMS. When you are moving out of your house, you will have large items that you are disposing of. Couches, book shelves, dressers etc. Having double doors on the dumpster help tremendously as you don't have to try and figure out how to get the larger items to fit in just a single door. 

ORGANIZATION. By having doors that make it possible to walk into the dumpster, it makes it much easier for you to organize your debris. By stacking items, you are maximizing your space ensuring that you get all the space you can out of your dumpster. 

NO THROWING OVER THE EDGE. You don't have to throw things over the side of the dumpster! When are you forced to throw heavy or bulky items over the side of a dumpster you may cause injury to your back.


LEVEL LOAD. Make sure that you do not overfill the bin. Per law we have to be able to secure the items before transporting and the load must be below the top of the container. We talk every step necessary to ensure we are doing our job safely.

Another helpful tip: Load the heavy, bulky items first. Getting the bigger items organized and in the bin helps you make sure you are leaving enough room in the bin for the smaller debris you have to dispose of. 

As always use Bin There Dump That for all your dumpster needs!

To view our website click HERE
To view our dumpster sizes click HERE
To request a quote click HERE
To view our restrictions and conditions click HERE

Driveway Protection



Bin There Dump That is the only company offering 100% driveway protection. That means OUR drivers lay down the wood before they place the dumpster onto your driveway, ensuring that there is no damage done to your property. With our company providing the wood and training our delivery experts on how to take care of your property we save you time AND money! If you use a dumpster company that does not care for your driveway,  you could be left with rust, cracked concrete, scratches etc. Although purchasing your own wood is an option, using BTDT saves you money by providing the protection! Time is valuable and we know you're busy. You do not have to worry about being present to place the wood out and make sure the driver uses it! With US, every customer gets 100% peace of mind knowing that their driveway is protected.


When it comes to hook lift vs cable, hook lifts provide more accuracy in dumpster placement as well as maneuverability, where as the cable hoist invariably needs more horizontal open spaces to drop and load a container.  Deliveries and pick up are done quicker with a hook lift and do not require the driver to leave the truck, where as in a cable hoist the driver will need to leave the cab to latch the cable onto the front hook. The cable system can only offload from an elevated platform if it is the same height as the rails on the truck and the truck can back up to the platform. As for unloading on a flat elevated dock, cable hoists do not have that capability.


Along with our driveway protection, we also ensure that the dumpsters have no chance of rolling off of the plywood. By adding the stoppers onto the wood, it eliminates any risk of the dumpster rolling off of the protection. 

When the driver arrives at the job site they will exit the cab and place the boards on the driveway. After they ensure that the wood is in the exact location it needs to be, they will then lower the dumpster onto your driveway. The dumpster itself never actually touches your driveway as it rolls onto the wood. The stoppers on the wood prevent it from moving from the location it is placed. 

As always use Bin There Dump That for all your dumpster needs!

To view our website click HERE
To view our dumpster sizes click HERE
To request a quote click HERE
To view our restrictions and conditions click HERE

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Can I Place A Dumpster On The Street In Sandy Springs?

Can I Place A Dumpster On The Street In Sandy Springs?

What is allowed?

Renting a dumpster for medium to large home clean-outs and other projects is an excellent idea. We are very flexible about where we set our dumpsters, however we still must comply with city, county and state laws. If the driveway is large enough we can almost always place a dumpster on private driveways, and parking areas. Some cities or counties will allow dumpsters to be placed on a curb or in city streets either with or without a permit, however, there are some that do not allow dumpsters to be placed anywhere besides private property.

What is not allowed?  

Sandy Springs does not allow dumpsters to be placed on any public property or right away. This is to keep its citizens safe. When dumpsters are placed on streets they can become a hazard by creating blind spots.  Keeping dumpsters on private property also helps to prevent unlawful dumping. Although unlawful dumping may not seem like an issue to the city it can become an issue to the person who has rented the dumpster. When there are restricted items in the dumpster the renter could be charged additional fees and may be forced to dispose of the item(s) separately.

Where can I find more information?

If you would like more information on where you may and may not set a dumpster you can always call the Sandy Springs Code Enforcement Officer, or Sandy Springs Public Works Website or Office. You can also access any and all city codes and ordinances on the Municipal Codes website. The code regarding residential dumpsters is Sec134-288. - Temporary residential dumpsters.

Visit our website.